To swim the waters connecting 5 continents
Swimming for a better and united world,
By bridging the gap between 10 countries, one stroke at a time
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The Adventurer – Swimmer
Normand Piché
I am a passionate person with a profound sense of curiosity and a heartfelt eagerness to live out my dreams. Following a series of highly emotional meetings with medallists from the 2014 Sochi Olympics, I felt deeply inspired by the path of athletics. After my return and as I gave conferences, it dawned on
me that I had become a messenger for the dreams of others. But what about my own dream? Anxious to give my life a purpose, an answer eventually came from my heart; I was to swim across the 5 continents in 80 days!
I see this expedition as a unifying force between humanity and water, and between people of all cultures. I wish to inspire others to realize their dreams, to redefine their boundaries of what is possible and that we all strive to do better with each passing day.
The Expedition
United-States – Russia
Papua – Indonesia
Red Sea
Egypt- Jordan
Aegean Sea
Greece – Turkey
Spain – Morocco
Plus de détails sur les 5 traversées
Le détroit est la deuxième voie maritime la plus utilisée derrière la Manche. Il est franchi annuellement par environ 100 000 navires
La Méditerranée étant une mer quasi fermée, qui subit une évaporation importante, le courant dominant dans le détroit va de l’Atlantique vers la Méditerranée en surface (dont la vitesse est de 1,5 m/s)
En générale, le meilleur moment pour traverser à la nage est situé juste avant la marée haute et si possible avec un coefficient de marée moyen.
En 2003, 47 000 navires ont transité dans le détroit, dont plus de 8 000 transportaient une cargaison dangereuse, le plus souvent du GNL ou dupétrole. Le trafic a atteint quelque 53 000 navires en 2004.
Chaque matin, environ un million d’habitants de la rive anatolienne, soit près du quart de sa population, empruntent quelque cent cinquante navires, publics ou privés, pour aller travailler dans l’Istanbul européenne.
Le golfe est situé à l’est de la péninsule du Sinaï et à l’ouest de la péninsule d’Arabie. L’Égypte, Israël, la Jordanie et l’Arabie saouditeen sont les États riverains.
Il atteint la profondeur de 1 850 mètres, mesure 24 km à sa plus grande largeur pour une longueur totale de 160 km.
L’extrémité nord du golfe est entouré par trois villes : Taba en Égypte, Eilat en Israël etAqaba en Jordanie. Toutes les trois servent tant comme des ports commerciaux stratégiquement importants que comme des destinations de vacances populaires pour des touristes cherchant le climat chaud de la région. Plus au sud, Haql est la plus grande ville saoudienne sur le golfe. Sur le Sinaï, Dahab est un centre majeur.
La plus grande agglomération sur le golfe d’Aqaba est Aqaba, avec une population de 108 000 habitants (2009), suivi par Eilat avec 48 000 (2009).
Le détroit de Béring, ou détroit de Behring, sépare d’environ 92 km la Sibérie orientale (le cap Dejnev) de l’Alaska (le cap du Prince-de-Galles) et relie la mer de Béring (partie septentrionale de l’océan Pacifique) à l’océan Arctique.
Il doit son nom au navigateur Vitus Béring (1681-1741), un explorateur danois au service de la marine russe qui a traversé le détroit durant l’été 1728.
Les deux îles Diomède se situent à peu près en son centre, de part et d’autre de la frontière entre la Russie et les États-Unis.
Il y a 20 000 ans, le niveau de la mer dans le détroit de Béring était plus bas de 100 mètres par rapport à aujourd’hui.
Pendant la dernière ère glaciaire, le niveau de la mer était suffisamment bas pour permettre le passage à pied entre l’Asie et l’Amérique du Nord à l’emplacement de l’actuel détroit de Béring. Cette voie aurait été empruntée par les premiers hommes ayant peuplé le continent américain. Il y a entre 12 000 et 30 000 ans
La Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, en forme longue l’État indépendant de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, en anglais Papua New Guinea et Independent State of Papua New Guinea, en tok pisin Papua Niugini, en hiri motu Papua Niu Gini, est un pays d’Océanie occupant la moitié orientale de l’île de la Nouvelle-Guinée (462 840 km2) (l’autre moitié, la Nouvelle-Guinée occidentale, étant sous souveraineté indonésienne). Elle est située en Océanie proche, dans le sud-ouest de l’océan Pacifique, au nord de l’Australie, et à l’ouest des îles Salomon.
La Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée est essentiellement montagneuse (le mont Wilhelm culmine à 4 509 m) et couverte de forêt tropicale ombrophile.
Située le long d’une faille tectonique, les tremblements de terre et les tsunamis en résultant sont relativement communs en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée.
La plus grande partie du pays est située sur l’île de Nouvelle-Guinée, où se trouve la capitale, Port-Moresby
En plaine, la température moyenne annuelle s’élève à environ 24 °C.
Les précipitations restent basses en dehors de la saison des fortes pluies, en hiver.
And you, what's your dream ?
Share your dream, to bring us all closer together.
The Feat
To be the first person in the Americas to swim across waters connecting the 5 continents. A bold journey around the globe for a total swimming distance of about one hundred kilometers in 5 different crossings over a period of 80 days.
“For me, the real achievement is daring to believe that such a project is feasible and do whatever it takes to see it through; even when things get rough and I feel like I have exceeded my physical and mental limits. I move forward because I choose to reach my full potential, to bridge the gap between my dream and reality.”
The Challenge
Immense, wild and motivating. Each crossing represents a logistics and financial puzzle, the training is extremely demanding and the risks are very real: chaotic marine currents, sharks and deadly jellyfish, exceedingly cold or polluted waters, political turmoil, dangerous marine traffic…
«Sometimes I feel like this is way too big and I start to wonder what was I thinking, this is unreal! Then I remember the things I said at the very beginning: instead of focusing on the difficulties, just swim and keep moving forward, one stroke at a time. Trust in life, it conspires in your favour.»
The Inspiration
My wish, in all humility, is that this expedition might spark an idea in the heart and mind of people. An inspiration to find and pursue their own dream.
«I had my epiphany during the 2014 Sochi Olympics. The intensity of each moment spent amongst the athletes inspired me and I remember thinking: I no longer wish to be a spectator to the dream of others and tell their story; I want to accomplish something great. I hope, in my turn, to kindle the flame for someone else, no matter the magnitude of their dream.»
Water and Humans
Behind the idea to swim across waters connecting the 5 continents, there is also a willingness to raise awareness of the importance of preserving, respecting and celebrating water in all its might and vulnerability.
“I have a deep respect for water. It is a vital element both indomitable and delicate, at the center of everything, the link to all life. There are no other places where I feel more comfortable. Water is for me a great symbol of unity and peace.”
A Collective Adventure
A team consisting of high-spirited and generous people bound by their deep and strong desire for adventure. A beautiful wave of cooperation that runs its course.
«It amazes me how my adventure has evolved from an egocentric impulse to a mobilizing project greater than myself. I find great motivation and energy in knowing that friends, family and people I didn’t even know share this dream and work towards achieving it. It has an exponential effect.»
The Ultimate Crossing From Lake Leman, Switzerland, to the United Nations
This sixth and final crossing, a late edition to this project, serves as the culmination of all the swims. Imagine a moment of emotional intensity filled with the indescribable excitement that characterizes great accomplishments, but also one of gentle serenity. In an effort to convey a powerful message of unity, solidarity and peace, several wish letters to humanity will accompany Normand during his final crossing which will mark the end of the expedition. The beautiful swim across Lake Leman, Switzerland, will begin at the foot of the famous Jet d’Eau fountain, whose mighty engines pump water to the height of 140 meters. The whole expedition team as well as friends and valuable contributors will attend to share and participate in this profound act of peace.
Together, they will then walk along Avenue de la Paix until they reach the United Nations Office to deliver the letters in a unifying gesture of hope, This adventure embodies the idea of bringing peoples and cultures together; the crossings provide the symbol to strive for a better and united world and this can be accomplished through one stroke, one action at a time.
Expedition Team
Normand Piché
Formerly artist agent, then coach and motivational speaker, Normand has devoted himself full time to this project for the past year and a half.
Since October 2014, he has been training vigorously for the purpose of swimming across waters connecting 5 continents. He oversees and takes part in all aspects of logistics, funding and production of the expedition. He has been interviewed by the media several times and currently gives conferences to inspire others, particularly youth.
Anastasia Polito
As a former professionnal triathlete, Anastasia has been training athletes to achieve their best for over 15 years. Dedicated, passionate and motivating, Anastasia plans and oversees Normand’s training. She also studies ocean currents specific to the crossing locations, is responsible for acclimation to cold water and provides logistics support.
Annie-Claude Roberge
As an adventure photographer and videographer, Annie-Claude travels the world to relate extraordinary humanitarian stories. An outstanding expert in her field and a
person of keen sensitivity, she will be in charge of producing high quality video and photo content throughout the expedition.
Mathieu Drugeon
A kinesiologist by training, Mathieu has developed a passion for extreme challenges and acquired experience in supervising groups during outdoor activities.
It was thus natural that Mathieu be made responsible for the logistics planning of the expedition and directing the team while on the field. He is also responsible for managing the website.
Sylvain Lavoie
Not only is Sylvain a massage therapist and an osteopath, he is also a accomplished athlete with a lively spirit. He will be the one in charge of Normand’s security when out at sea, as well as providing physical care and planning a healthy diet throughout the adventure. He also provides logistics support.
Team in Montreal
Anne Marie Brassard
She is responsible for creating and managing social media content. Ideally, Anne Marie would be part of the expedition to get her own feel of the adventure and provide an accurate description of the events as they happen.
Alain Lebrun
Alain has held vice-president position within large corporations for nearly 20 years. His vast experience in large-scale project management helped him develop great leadership and expertise in several key sectors.
His natural ability to mobilize human resources towards achieving ambitious goals is an asset to o5. Alain is a man of both intellect and compassion. He will ensure that financial management and planning lead to the success of this daring expedition.
Marie-Annick l’Allier
Due to Marie-Annick’s expertise and thoroughness, this firm has become a leader in sports marketing and athlete management. It develops effective awareness campaigns tailored to the customers’ needs.
Marie-Annick and her team are responsible for media relations and live communications during the expedition, and will also provide commitment management services for post-expedition presentations.
In the Medias
After his return from the expedition, Normand will tour several schools in the province to share his adventure, encourage self-transcendence and inspire the youth to pursue their dreams. Presentations for companies are anticipated as well.
Presentations to the general public are also under considerations, which would incorporate visual and sound effects for a more immersive experience.
Help Us by Supporting the Expedition
ContributeAwards and Recognition
Recipient of the award “Osez l’aventure 2016”
En partenariat avec :
Public relations:
Marie-Annick l’Allier – Public relations
Telephone: 1 514 507-6299
Website :
Donations – Sponsorships – Partnerships
Alain Lebrun – General Manager
Telephone: 1 514 816 7124
Mathieu Drugeon – Expeditions Director
Telephone: 1 514 663 0910